I am a doctor of internal medicine using complementary methods. Thus I treat all kinds of diseases which fall into the sphere of internal and general medicine. Ordinary treatments can always be supplemented by some natural healing technique, and most often those actually solve the problem.
- metabolic disorder (diabetes, overweightness, high levels of cholesterol, arthritis, fatty liver, etc.)
- diseases of the heart and vascular system, (high blood pressure, post MI and brain stroke condition, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis)
- digesting difficulties (constipation, diarrhea, sense of fullness, abdominal pain, indigestion, reflux, helicobacter, nausea, colitis, chron, liver problems, disease of pancreas, disorder of the intestinal flora)
- locomotor diseases (arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatic diseases, fibromyalgia, spinal problems, disc herniation)
- pain relief treatments (migraine, headache, spinal pain)
- recurring or not healing inflammation (pharynx, sinusitis, bladder, herpes, fungal infections)
- allergies, (asthma, food allergy, hay fever, skin allergies)
- autoimmune diseases
- tumorous diseases
I apply complementary medicine for diseases in the field of other professions as well such as:
- children with catharal, bedwetting problems and abdominal pain
- skin diseases (acne, psoriasis, eczema, urticaria, fungal infections, neurodermitis)
- chronic gynecological infections, menstrual and vaginal disorders, sterility, symptoms of menopause, PMS)
- gum problems, testing dental plexus
- chronic inflammation of the middle ear, tinnitus
- vision problems
- psychological problems and those of the nervous system, (panic disorder, stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue, mood disorders, concentration and sleeping problems)