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Nyomtatás By : on : 2020-04-22 comments : (0)

Milk is not healthy. Countless of data prove it, but the media, the professional societies, the scientific life all are under the influence of the industry, so this information continues to be silenced.

Cows are endlessly exploited. Instead of 25 years, they live only a few years because they are re-fertilized immediately after each calving and are forced to produce milk constantly. They are fed completely unhealthily, which of course also changes the quality of the milk.

And everything the industry does with milk culminates in the harmful effects. There is no real pasture anymore, no real homemade milk that goes into the boxes and plastic cans, that is a totally manipulated and unhealthy end product transformed from an industry perspective.

My decades of healing experience also confirms, that many chronic diseases can be cured just by leaving milk.

Cikk nyomtatása

R. Áron


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