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Nyomtatás By : on : 2013-07-01 comments : (0)

This is basically a Voll test further developed (see the main principle above), by which we test homeopathic medicine, agents causing diseases in diluted isopathic form, and diseases themselves in isopathic dilution. As a result of modern technology these formulations do not need to be stored and examined separately, as resonances needed for evaluation are saved by computers and can be retrieved by one click.

We test about 150-300 various substances as part of a routine examination, but the device has capacity to work with more than 15,000 substances at once. What do I use this method for mostly? To test allergies, differentiate infectious agents, test environmental toxins, chose the most effective medication for a patient. This method can provide solution to other uncertainties of a patient, such as choosing which cosmetic, food supplement, dental filling, or cleaning product is appropriate for that person. 

Cikk nyomtatása

Dr. Tamasi József


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